a journal of...

A journal among friends...
art, words, home, people and places

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wood with a gift for burning


Frank Harmon draws and writes this morning about the cold we've had...alligators in the east freezing, children skating on creeks not known for freezing over, and birds going about what birds do, even in this chill.  He is inside with a wood fire burning, about which, he notes, the climate people are confused whether that is environmentally good or bad.  I wrote back to him what first came to mind, and then decided to share it here:

"A wood fire burning in the fireplace.  Warmth of body and soul.  Wish I had one here, too.  Graduate students living in a farm house way out in the country halfway to Pittsboro, we had three fireplaces, one in each downstairs room.  The cozy front room where we built the bookshelves was my favorite.  I burned old wood all winter and sometimes into the spring, and read there."

Do you know that poem by Adrienne Rich, I asked him, and now ask you, about the difference between being lonely and being alone? It's called "Song"; I listen to it often these days.  That last stanza,

If I'm lonely/ it's with the rowboat ice-fast on the shore/ in the last red light of the year/ that knows what it is, that knows it's neither/ ice nor mud nor winter light/ but wood, with a gift for burning.

1 comment:

  1. This might be one of my favorite blogs from you. I'm not sure I can explain here, just why. Maybe it touches my soul, no not my heart, deeper than that, and I feel connected to all your thoughts, for you and for me. Happy last 70s year - break the preset idea that 9s have been odd for you, and re-invent a journey for yourself - simply because you can! Love you lots! e
